On this page you will find:

  • What is STE(A)M? Why is it important in Early Years settings?

  • STE(A)M Activity ideas

  • Support materials for STE(A)M activities

  • STE(A)M Displays/Posters

  • Resources on the following pages:

  • Related topics



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What is STE(A)M? Why is it important in Early Years settings?

STEM or STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, (Arts) and Mathematics.

Children are naturally curious; born predisposed to learning about their immediate surroundings. As babies we begin to sense and explore the world around us. We embark on scientific enquiry by noticing cause and effect, repeating experiences to confirm what we have found out and exploring when something different happens to what we expect. As we develop language we ask a multitude of ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ questions to make further sense of the world around us.

Early Years settings are the perfect environment for STE(A)M development because children naturally want to play in their immediate surroundings to investigate and learn more. As early years professionals and parents it is our job to nurture this natural desire and enthusiasm and provide children with an environment which enables exploration and scientific discovery. When children interact with materials in their surroundings it becomes meaningful to them. Children become even further engaged when it is something which interests them personally.

In addition to the knowledge and experience gained through STE(A)M learning, the development of key skills required for life are of great importance. Skills that can be nurtured further through later childhood and become incredibly valuable as an adult. Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, communication, initiative, inquiry and problem solving are all interwoven into STE(A)M learning.


STE(A)M Activities and Support Materials

Open Ended


More Directed


STE(A)M Displays


resources on the following pages:


related topics

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